Thursday, June 4, 2015

Here We Go...

For me beginning a new journey is always fun and exciting.  It is also nerve wracking, tense, satisfying and ultimately...hopeful.  

This new journey is all those things and more.  

More, because this is the show I have always dreamed of.  No, it is more, because it's the show that I have always felt that I was born to do.  

I love my work as a talkshow host. I always dreamed of the career I have.  But, as a Christian, there was always a desire for something deeper in my work.  The more I searched, and the more I learned and grew in my faith, analyzing it and comparing and contrasting it to other faiths that I explored, the more I longed to be able to include my faith journey a lot more openly in my work as a talkshow host, producer, writer, and creator!

I always accepted a belief in Jesus.  But, as that faith truly became my own deeply help conviction, because I had asked enough questions and had enough personal encounters to know that I believed, I knew that my work was me and I was my work and I could no longer separate the two.  That's often the case, for Christians, in Hollywood I believe.  You end up trying not to offend people, or seem like you're pushing your beliefs on anyone, so you find yourself sometimes not speaking as boldly as you may want to or even be lead to.

It's hard to separate your faith when it permeates every sentence, every decision, and every encounter for you.   I see God in absolutely every experience!  Good or bad!  I see Him in every single person, black, white, straight, gay, whatever.  I am constantly searching for His truth, His plan, and His will for every life I come across.  I believe this, and a willingness to share my own truth, is what makes me good at what I do.  I am grateful for what seems to be a supernatural hospitality that enables me to make others feel welcome and loved.  That I know for sure is His presence and His Spirit living within me.

Because, His Spirit lives within me, the show I always dreamed of doing, was also the one prophesied over me 10 years or so ago; a walk-show not just another talk-how!  It was said that I was supposed to  teach women how to walk out their faith every-day in every-thing with God as their point of view.  For real...what would Jesus do?!  What would He say?!  What would He think?!  What does He teach?!  How do we apply HIM to us!?  How do we apply Him to everything even as we apply our makeup, get dressed for work, go out on a date, be a good wife, or parent our kids!  

I now understand after years of my own journey and preparation that living a life fully surrendered to Christ is just not something most people, even Christians, know how to do in todays world.  I sure didn't.  I was saved 15 years prior to the prophecy of this show, ten years ago, and I still had no clue what it meant to really live for Jesus as they say.  And, even though I went to Catholic schools, and received a great foundation, and then to a Jewish High School and received a different kind of foundation, and was born again while pregnant with my son, I didn't have anyone to teach me what it meant to really allow the Holy Spirit to truly guide my life.  

So I stumbled and tripped and made a lot of mistakes!  Mistakes that I believed were just me and my truth and just the way I was made.  You know, the lies we so easily accept as truth.  Lies like I am not meant to be married, pre-marital sex is fine as long as you're in love, and Jesus is real but I gotta make it happen.  Whatever 'it' is.  There are hundreds of them!

As I cried out to The Lord from the pain, disillusionment, or disappointment in every new situation in which I hit a wall, I came to realize that the stuff the world was telling me, that I was believing and accepting as truth and acceptable behavior or emotions, was actually a lie.  

In fact, I was awakening to the fact that what The Bible was teaching and has always taught was the truth.  I was not God.  I was not created to be messed up or broken and He did have a better original plan for my life. While I had muddied the waters of His plan, by mixing my confusion with the worlds lies and ways into it, He was still quite capable of salvaging, sustaining, redirecting, and rehabilitating His original plan for my life.  COMPLETELY! 

These time tested scriptural standards, values, and principles, when applied to every situation I was in, from work to personal, actually guaranteed my success every time.  I would actually always win when I applied His Word and I would always lose when I applied The World and its view of life.    

Not craving the banging of my head against the proverbial wall repeatedly...and wise enough to see that even the people around me in all their fame, glitz, and glamour, seemed well...miserable, I tossed in the towel, put my hands up, and surrendered to the God of the Universe and said; "Whatever, Lord.  Whatever you want.  Whatever you say.  Wherever you lead.  However you guide.  Your way not mine.  Your way not his, or hers, or theirs, or them.  You and you alone are my compass to this thing called life!" 

And, in exchange, I asked him to save my then 14 year old son and redirect his course and do all the same things for him that I wanted done for me.  Funny, I was still bargaining with God back then.  "OK, God I will live for you but please bless my child."  As if He owed me that.  But, He did it.

So, He got me ready and brought me here.  To London.  To do the show He created me to do.  The show He birthed inside my heart and affirmed in prophecy to my ears a decade ago.  The show where my sincerest hope is to dialogue with all of you about a better way to walk through life.  Because the world today doesn't need another talk-show.  The world today needs a walk-show!  

As I prepare to leave the USA headed to the UK I am in deep reflection about what this adventure really means in London!  While it's a new chapter for me, and for my husband and son along with me, it's so much deeper to me than that.  I ask myself why on earth He would choose ME to speak Faith to YOU?!  

Sincerely appreciating this opportunity, I am drawn inwardly to understanding what God really wants for all my beautiful English sisters across the pond!  I know that He desires the same things for all of us.  We are not so different even though our accents might be.  We are not so unique that we live in a world apart.  We all need the same basic things; love, faith, support, encouragement, identity.  Now more than ever we are connected by technology, fashion, creativity, and media. Yet, with all our connectedness and all our similarities and differences one overriding Truth yells at me.

The time has come for faith to arise in women, and men, in a real and powerful way and for us to stop living OUR authentic life and start living the authentic life that God created for us to live!  

As He said in Jeremiah 29:11-13 

"For I know the plans I have for you," says The Lord.  "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me."

I believe that as we find Him together we will step into our most powerful roles ever; the ones we were born to be in.  We will become the right kinds of leaders, the right kinds of wives, the right kinds of daughters, the right kinds of mothers, the right kinds of friends.  We will become women with purpose and destiny and most importantly we will become women who shape the purpose and destiny of everyone around us!

We are SO much more than the covers of today's magazines tell us!!!  We are so much smarter and more powerful than we are portrayed on tv shows and in films and music.  We have actually allowed ourselves to be deceived by the media's reduction of us to nothing more than the sum total of our parts; butts, lips, and boobs! The bigger, and more obscene, the better.  I say NO!  No, to that!!!  It's time for women around the globe to find, and embrace, their true identities.  Identities most securely and powerfully found in Christ!

I'm not here to judge!  I'm not here to fight!  I'm not here to argue!  I don't even care whether or not you believe in Jesus today because it's more important to me that you know that you're included!  You're included in His love.  You're included in His plan.  And, because you were included when He died on the cross, His love is big enough for all of us.  I am not afraid of your differences or your opinions of me, or even of yourself, because perfect love cast out all fear!  For all of us!

So, let's not waste any more time on anymore shows about bigger lips, butts, and boobs...although we will certainly discuss God's point of view on all that too!  Let's see ourselves for who we really are and demand that others see us that way too!  

We are daughters of The King, wealthy beyond measure, filled to overflowing with power, grace, beauty, and love.  And, on each session together let's serve, live, practice, preach, teach and rock...JESUS!

So, all that said, together we can figure it out.  Together we can apply His Word and invite Him in, in a whole new way.  Together we can BE the difference...and the change!  

Let's talk about how to walk:

                                 OCTOBER 14th 8:00 pm 
                                          on TBNuk

                                TWITTER  @SpiritualChick

                               INSTAGRAM  CynthiaGarrett


  1. Beautifully said my sister, it was like you were speaking directly to me, and you were because He has given you the ability to reach across time zones. I was blessed to hear your words. I was also invited to this page by Mitchell Garrett.

  2. Beautifully said my sister, it was like you were speaking directly to me, and you were because He has given you the ability to reach across time zones. I was blessed to hear your words. I was also invited to this page by Mitchell Garrett.

  3. Beautiful spirit inside and out! Thank you so much for your daily wisdom and example. Daily life can be challenging but with God and prayer warriors we can do all things. Thank you!!
